Dev's Note

I have been in some sort of block developing another mini game for some time, and I think it was at the start of September...? That Altare said he could use a coin toss program or sth. This Monday, I decided to make this mostly as a challenge to myself, to see how fast can I make something completed.

It took me four days, around 12 hours after work to finish this project. 

If you downloaded this project and ran it, you probably noticed that there's some glitching if you drag the window too fast and too far. That's an issue already existed in the reference project, I did not have time to go through the root node script and fix it. Expect me to do better if I made another project like this, though.

And that's all for now, thank you for reading.


AltaresCoin.rar 10 MB
Sep 22, 2022

Get Factotum Elysium

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